Thank you so much! Yeah I hope I'm over the worst! Eating jello now, if I do okay I think I can eat more for lunch yay! Still haven't passed gas like they keep asking me but I have some cramping. Little nervous to use the bathroom "normally" again. Not sure how I'll feel. Worried it will be like UC again since I've heard people struggle with that sometimes. But I'm not letting that stop me from eating! I actually have an appetite after this one as opposed to the first where I didn't want to eat anything cause I felt so bad. I'll definetly answer any questions you or your daughter have. It gets better, just remember that. I felt kind of down about
the bag. Got used to it but still would've rather not had it. It was a lot better than having to deal with the disease though! But, as soon as I woke up from this one I felt so good and much better! So hopefully that continues and I'll be out on time tomorrow! Again, I'm here if you have any questions about
the takedown as well as everyone else that is so fantastic here! It's great having people that have gone through it to hear their different stories. Hope she feels better soon, best of luck with everything!