AnnaIvy said...
Somebody said...
I had a upper Gi, bowel series test and i passed. Sit marker test and i passed. Colonoscopy and they didnt find anything but internal hemmroids but my symptoms have gotten worse since then. I really dont know whats wrong.
Have you had treatment for the haemorrhoids? If you still have them, it's possible they could account for some of your symptoms.
Having had the scope and upper bowel tests, it's unlikely you have IBD or anything of that nature. I can't say what's wrong with you, but you've had a lot of the conditions that can potentially lead to a stoma ruled out already. If that's your main worry, I think you can relax about
it. A stoma is a major surgery, no one's going to rush you into it without good reason. I would say only start thinking about
a stoma if a doctor brings up the subject and recommends you have one. As long as no doctor has mentioned it, there's no need for you to be concerned about
The other issue is whether you find your current symptoms upset your quality of life. If that's the case the push your doctors for specialist referrals, further tests and treatments. If they don't find inflammation, a prolapse or other physical abnormalities, they may diagnose you with a functional motility disorder. This site has some information about
pelvic floor motility disorders, and if you check the menu you can find sections on motility disorders affecting other parts of the digesrive system:
-gi-motility/disorders-of-the-pelvic-floor/pelvic-floor-dyssynergiaThey removed the herms but no. I go to see the GI doctor the 8th and i will ask for referrals. Yesterday i slipped up and had a big pizza with alcohol with friends and now in constipated agin lol. I'm moving little stools(not pellets) but what funny is they were pellets when i first went to the restroom. When i ate some cabbage, fruits and drunk prune juice i started having some bigger movements.
I really dont know. I just wanna return to being somewhat normal or atleast knowing whats exactly wrong with me. I will be back with the results to keep you updated. Thanks alot