I am much taller than you, and still don't like how the longer bags rub my thigh. I use the Coloplast Sensura Mio "midi" size bags and angle the bag inward a little.
The mio bags have the roll up velcro closure and also have two different attachment points that you can use to make the bag even smaller and keep the corners from poking your leg. I rarely use the higher attachment point, but always tuck the tail up into the little pocket thing and attach it to the velcro "receiver".
I don't like the bag to be right in contact with my skin, so I wear hipster underwear (cotton mostly) and the bag rests between that and my pants. I think ostomy secrets wraps are pretty good, but I have been wearing these a lot:
They are made from a slightly lighter weight material than the ostomy secrets wraps and provide just the right amount of compression (for me), without crushing my stoma. Depending on what pants I am wearing, I wear the my-hip T either outside or inside my waistband. They work great.
Post Edited (k-del) : 7/29/2015 11:38:46 PM (GMT-6)