Silent Lucidity said...
Solomon, I'm not what you call "hirsute", so belly hair isn't an issue for me. I empathise with your thoughts about possibly making things worse, which is a part of why I'm having second thoughts. They've pencilled me in for a diverting ostomy on December 2nd, but I may well cancel this procedure and give things a little more time. Unfortunately I'm contradicting things I've posted on this board before, but as the reality of a return to ostomy dawns, I've realised I'm nowhere near as comfortable about it as I thought.
I've never felt so conflicted before and trying to decide what to do is causing me a lot of stress and heartache.
You're being hard on yourself. It is a huge decision and a very final one. I think anyone would struggle with taking the next step. I wish things would calm down so you could enjoy life without this being in the forefront. It's easy to talk about
going back to an ileo but the reality of it is, once you do that, you're likely done with the possibility of reconnecting. Even if you went to a temp, more surgery seems like a chore, but your pouch may never function correctly and it's still there. The loop ileo is a pain in the butt. It's all very final. In some ways, that is a great thing, but in other ways, it's scary... I didn't have any problems with my ileo, it was pretty easy, not sure I want to have one forever... mostly because I don't want to have to buy supplies.