widget said...
I had a permanent ileostomy in 2013. first I had the phantom butt, then the butt started producing both hard and soft mucus. Last year pinkish blood would come out progressing to dark red with clotting. One morning woke up in pool of blood. Went to ER got sulfates, while resting a week later while still bleeding I developed leg clots from my ankle to my hip. Back to hospital, got a filter put in then had to wait there a week for the GI and Hematologist to decide what to do. Went on Warfarin for several months. Now I have rectal bleeding every day, some days very heavy deep with clotting. I find out the my GI basically lied by telling me the the surgery would cure my symptoms. Heck he mislead me about a lot of things. I am just really depressed now....its hard enough to go to work everyday with the bag, pain from fibromyalgia, PTSD, and total exhaustion....I really don't think I can go back on an ammunesuppressant, last time I literally lost my mind, total hiving throughout body, couldn't form sentences, couldn't form thoughts, dizzy, lost way too much weight.
Isn’t a permanent ileostomy the removal of the colon , rectum and anus . If so where are you bleeding from?? I am sorry you are going through all this .👼
I am still bleeding started 2 days ago worst ... more so then the last week or so. I went through a 4 hour operation only to start up with my UC again not happy . I don’t want anymore blood transfusions
Appointment with the surgeon on Tuesday . I just finished my last prednisone 3 days ago I tapered down 10 mg per week from 50 to 5 last week to nothing now 3 days ago . Could the bleeding be worst because I have reached the level of not taking anymore prednisone ????