Hi Chertuc, Well between you, Cathy W and I, we make a regular little scar group huh? Keep you're sense of humor. It will help you through this. My story is similar to yours and Cathy W's, except they found my perforation of the colon the day after they did the colonoscopy to try to find out where I was bleeding from for the last couple days. This was in October '05. It may have been caused by the air that they use, who knows, and I don't blame the G.I. Doc. No doubt I was pretty damaged anyway in there after 15 years with U/C. Anyway, they did the subtotal colectomy on my and told me also about 6 months before I could have the reversal. I also had an ileostomy that had a plastic hoop in it to keep the stoma from dropping back down, but they took that out after about three weeks. All was fine. Then in February (because my gall bladder was acting up also) they decided rather than open me up two more times, just do the reconnect and give me a new ileostomy while it healed.
They went in through the same incision as the first, reconnected me and pulled the small intestine over to where the first ileostomy was and gave me a new stoma so it would drain into the bag while the bottom part healed up. This was all well and good except they really had to pull it and as a result, my stoma was in a convex type position, and yes, it was a booger to bag. In fact, while I was in the hospital, it started to leak on a Saturday. Fortunately I had taken some of my own supplies with me, and of course no Stoma nurse was on duty, so I sat on the toilet showing the nurses on the floor how to put on a bag. It was crude and didn't fit well, but got me through a couple days. Then of course, the skin became irritated because it wasn't a tight fit and we had to clear that up with some sulfa. Anyway, to make a long story short, I went to see a good Stoma/Ileostomy nurse and she fit me with a convex wafer and bag, a one piece. It also had belt that connected to it for added security. Heck, that thing was not coming off no matter what. So take the time to find someone that knows the products, and they will fit you right. Convatec made this one, and there's about 100 plus styles out there.
Now back to the reversal. It's not bad as they just disconnected the second stoma, sewed it up, tucked it in and gave me two sutures. This allowed the opening to fill with scar tissue, and the final scab fell off a week ago. I am currently in week 5 of post take down and starting to get the feeling of controlling my movements, and experimenting with different foods. Like Cathy W said, and she helped me through my first miserable weeks. It is trial and error. Looking back, my worst night was when the movements first came after surgery when everything woke up. Just be prepared and have some good cream to put on the bum when you start moving. Head off the butt burn if you can. Now that I am in week 5, I feel I'm turning a corner. I had a good dinner, steak and rice with garlic toast last night and not trotskys after that. A good sign. It all just takes time.
It will work out for you, and we are all here for you when you need an ear. Like Cathy W said, people can tell you all they want how sympathetic they are, but unless they've been through it, they don't know. God bless and keep us posted. Phil