hello all - I came home yesterday following reversal surgery on 4 October. All went well and I am glad to have got rid of the dratted bag after 8 months, so no complaints there. I have no real bowel movements yet, just liquid comes out more or less every time I have a pee. I have control during the day but have to wear a pad at night to prevent accidents.
My biggest problem is the itchiness and burning of my bum. The itching drives me mad and I would scratch it off if I could. Of course that makes it worse but nothing seems to make it better. They gave me a cream in hospital (smells like Sudafed) and said it was good, but doesn't help more than a minute or two. Vaseline is just as good. Any ideas? Advice? When it will improve?
I am following the diet but it does not seem to be getting any more solid yet. I know it's early days - give it time and be patient they said and I am trying but some reassurance would be very good. Thanks!
I know there are a lot worse off than me and I wish you all the best - courage! gillian