I know that keeping hydrated when you've got an ileostomy can be a problem, so wanted to share with you my consultant's treatment plan, which has worked brilliantly for me.
Basically, each day I have
-1 litre of a home made electrolyte mix called St Mark's solution ('recipe' below)
- 1 litre of other fluid, which includes two Fortisip drinks (nutritionally balanced milkshake style drinks which contain loads of vitamins, minerals and protein)
- 1 meal and two snacks, avoiding foods high in sugar and adding plenty of salt to my food.
Also self-administer 1 litre of liquid food with added sodium (the added sodium is CRUCIAL) and 1 litre of intravenous saline each night.
Plus various minerals and supplements.
As I'm reading back over what I've written, it occurs to me that it looks complicated. Really it isn't and has brought my stoma output right down, kept me feeling well and full of energy. There is some proper research behind the plan, by the way.
I haven't had an ileostomy for long, so apologies if I'm telling you info that you already know. But it has worked so well that I wanted to share it with others. Feel free to contact me if you want more info. Lots of love.
St Marks Solution
1 litre cold water
Add 1 level teaspoon of salt, 1/2 heaped teaspoon bicarbonate of soda, 6 level teaspoons glucose. Can add squash to make it more palatable (in which case I personally only use 950ml water). Tastes MUCH better when served cold. Sip throughout the day. May taste a bit weird at first but trust me, after a couple of days you'll get used to it and may learn to love it!!!