Thanks again for all your help.
Well, my "Crohn's" was diagonised 13 years ago after repeated hospitalization and a J-pouch which quit working last year. Before that, the G.I. doctor just told me that I had colitis. He didn't do anything when I was having bloody diarrhea and in terrible pains. Not until I dropped 14 lbs. and my blood pressure went down to almost nothing in one week that he put me in the hospital. Anyway, he is supposed to be the most senior G.I. doctor there. So I switched to antoher G.I. doctor who is stationed further away from my house (and the hospital I checked into). I did info the ER doctor that I had Crohn's and obstruction problems (I was already hospitalized twice right before then) but he didn't seem to have a clue. So he checked with the same G.I. doctor whom I switched away from. And that's how I ended up with a busted intestine and spent some time in intensive care. Anyway, it is a good idea that I should try to get my own G.I. doctor involved ASAP when it happens again. (The problem is, she seems submissive to the more senior G.I. doctor who turned me away). That's why sometimes I feel so hopeless with my situation. I am so afarid of having to go to the E.R. again and I know that with my pre-existing condition, I won't be able to switch to another insurance coverage.
What do you think of Immuno suppressent drug? My G.I. doctor wants me to take it. I took it for a while but I got a nasty cold last winter and it lasted for over a month. So I stopped taking it and have been off since. I have taken Prednisone before but it didn't do anything for me.
Whatever your surgery will be, I hope all will go well and that you will have a good recovery. Thanks again for your help to all of us here. Life is not easy but you have helped make it a little easier for people like me.