Well this morning was my bag change day and I noticed this whiteish milky fluid seeping out from where the skin meets the stoma area. The whole area underneath is firm and reddish. I thought the firmness was just the muscle wall healing, welp I guess not. I called the ET nurse at the cleveland clinic and they had me come in right away. The stoma nurse removed the bag, cleaned up the paste mess and when the Dr came in to check me they started poking around with one of those wooden Q-tip things and here I had 2 spots around the stoma that are infected and it hasnt healed and adhered to the stoma, The Dr took the q-tip and could enter this gap or hole and that sucker went in I swear 2 inches, pus coming out.
Im squeezing my hubbys hand, Yikes I couldnt believe it and neither could my hubby.
Needless to say
2 antibiotics later and another percocet script, I should be feeling better in a few days as soon as the antibiotics kick in and take the swelling and firmness away from under the stoma.
Yikes what an ordeal, Thanks for letting me vent and get that off my chest.