Hello from England, Im stumbled across this site accidently and find it really helpful. I have a question... I had a sub total colectomy and Ileostomy in 1991 when I was 25 after having Crohns for 5 years, I have never looked back in terms of being almost rid of the disease that is so debilitating although even though now I find it strange to see "Barney" on my stomach ;o)
The doctors thought I had UC so they left my rectum but on having the op they found it was Crohns, the rectum has played me up for years, what with Crohns, abcess's and fistula's and now I am having it removed next Tuesday (13th Nov)
My question is, and im rather embarrased to ask, will I still function normally down below? That is for intercourse and going for a wee excuse my french :o)
I have read a few horror stories on the web and I am now petrified to the point of cancelling the surgery even though I know it is for the best, I am scared that I will have all sorts of troubles and am wondering if it is best to carry on with the discomfort and nastiness of still having Crohns in my bottom even though its horrible and is wearing me down.
I know it will be painful/uncomfortable for a while which is par for the course but I wanted to know if any members had had it done years after a sub total colectomy and their experiences.
All the best to all of you
J xx