I am so sorry to hear that you lost your babies.
What is the reversal for? Do you have a bag?
I do not have a bag they connected the small intestine to the rectum. I live in a very small town and I am the only one for hundreds of miles that has had this kind of surgery for cronic interia. When I asked my OB about getting pregnant he said he would have to research it and talk to the surgeon that did the subtotal because my situation was rare. My Ob called last friday and said the surgeon said "go for it".
It has only been 4 1/2 months sence my surgery I do have some concerns. I tried finding info on the internet but have not found anything. What I have found has been for Chrons <-- miss spelled.
Good luck to you and your fiancee. I hope you are able to conceive and you have a safe and healthy pregnancy