yeah, I was getting too thin, and had was pooping A LOT. Like I said I was 72 pounds when they stopped the chemo. I know what you mean by looking like a war victim. I hope your doctor is monitoring your weight! Some times they can give you 'time off' to get your weight back up.
They are pretty sure that they got all of my cancer with the surgery though. How 'bout you? I go in for a CT scan tomorrow so I will know more. No, my pick line didn't leak at all. It was just uncomfortable.
You must have a sense of humor about
all of this or you could cry! Before my surgery (they removed my rectum too) my girlfriends wrote 'bottoms up!' and drew a martini glass on my butt with a sharpie for the surgeon to see
and my bag has her own trick or treat bag at Halloween! She's on Photobucket.