Back from seeing the Nurse. Guess what??? She only told me everything that all of you have been telling me here on the Forum. I could have saved myself a trip to the clinic!! (Seriously)...The problem I had been having with mucous...perfectly normal like y'all said. She also told me that if it became a pressure and feels like it wants to but won't come out, that I can use a glycerin suppository...that it was perfectly safe and would move things out that should be coming out. Just thought I would pass that on to anyone having the same situation. Also she recommended the eakin seals instead of the paste to hold wafer on. (better seal and less irritating) NOW I know what they are... lol....Other than that,, all is well...still quite raw around stoma but with the mycostatin powder she said it should clear up. I only go back to see her in January. YAY!! I'm not so smart though...she asked me if I had any supplies on me and I showed her the wafer and pouch I carry with me. I thought she only wanted to see what I was using. HAH!! I thought I would go there and come home with some free samples...instead she used the one that I had with me!! Have a great day y'all!