hi, so nice to hear frm sme of my old friends and new ones.
even though i haven't been on the internet i still always had u all in my mind.
you helped me thru the most dificult times, and everyone one who is new, u will love this web everyone hear is so helpful, especaly as they know what ur going thru.
yes praying4healing u had ur op days after mine, my first surgery was on the 24/01/08, i had sme problems which i won't go thru becos i don't want to scare anyone who is thinkin of surgery.
my recovery took sme time but after about 12 weeks i was much better, i can honstly say that surgery has changed my life for the better.
no pain, not worrying about going out, not being able to eat and most of all not being able to even cook for my children(i hav a 13,12 and 5 year old).
the surgen recomended a reversal in june, but i wanted to spend summer with my children.
so i was booked in november, then it got changed to december.
i was really scared i must say about the surgery as before i wasn't sure wat would happen.
a nurse said i would hav really bad luck if i had to go thru somthin like that again.
Becos of my complications before they wern't just going to remove my bag but i would have major surgery to chek everythin was o.k.
i had my srgery on th 16/12/08 everything was fine but again a week later my wound started ouzin. they had to open my wound up and leave it open so that all the infection got clear.
i was in hospital 4 2 weeks, den sent home and a nurse had 2 come home 2 do my dresin.
after a month i was discharged and am now well and goin to the toilet fne.
the reason i'm telling u wat i went thru is not to scare anyone but for u to expect the worse then everythin won't be this bad.
i went thru alot in the last year but compared to my illness it's nothing.i would go thru it again.
now i can look forward, i can eat wt i want go where i want ant hav a good nights sleep.
i'm again sooooooooo grateful for all ur help and support.
i would advice everyone to write a diary just on ur illness, all the aches and how many times u go to the loo.
wen u go thru ur surgery in the first days u'll think this is awful but wen u read ur diary u'll realize there was no life before.
i better go as this is gettin too long any questions just ask, i do have a bad memory but i'll try my best to help.
P.S praying4healing can u tell me about ur surgery and where ur at now.
take care