Drama Queen ( my stoma ) is 2 months old today. She likes to hold it in and then really go alot at one time so I call her the drama queen. She likes to be the center of attention sometimes. haha
I gave her a new bag on Sunday morning on mother's day and she was quiet for 24 hours. Which gave me a nice mother's day as we went out of town shopping and out to eat and I didn't have to worry about emptying my bag while we were gone.
Tomorrow is my 54th bday. I have had crohns for 36 years and had my first surgery 2 months ago. So I consider myself blessed to have made it all those years without the drama queen but am looking forward to many happy years with her.
I have started walking since my surgery and people who knew how sick I was before are amazed that I am able to do so much now.
Just wanted to share some good news with you all.
Any one else have some good news in there life to share??
Even a few hours without pain or getting some sleep can be good news to those of us with IBD, can't it??