It does feel good, doesn't it?!
I have a sandwich story from today as well! I got a ham sandwich from Subway and took it to class with me. I've had a super hectic past few days with work, so I really didn't a chance to eat before class, and I hadn't ate since 11am. So, we have a break in class and I have my sounded SO good. I knew I would be pushing the limits with Penelope being loud and obnoxious, but I was stubborn and hate half my sandwich. Within five minutes the gurgling started. My teacher was reading us a children's book about friendship and utilizing it in therapy with children, so we were all gathered around a group of was quite interesting actually. Well, of course the room is quiet and all we hear is our teacher's soft voice reading a fun little book and...THERE SHE BLOWS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Holy Hell!!!! The sound was so loud, so ridiculously confusing, as some wasn't sure if it was a fart or stomach gurgle, and the lady sitting next to me was scared and her expression cracked me up! For the next 15 minutes Penelope continued with her sassiness and the girls around me were chuckling. I haven't really disclosed that I have Penelope, only one person knows and she's supportive. I don't have a problem telling people, but I have a feeling I may need to explain the tummy toots at some point!