my doctors cannot figure out what is wrong with me and have just been prescribing me antibiotics for the last 3 months, assuming i have bladder infection, but the results come back negative and i am left finishing the antibiotic course even without an infecion. the last dr. i saw said he can no longer help me and thinks it is not an infection. can someone please help?
these are my symptoms:
- pain in bladder, feels bruised & it hurts off and on throughout the day - most pain is in lower bladder/urethra area. Pain especially hurts when sitting/driving.
- it hurts even when i am NOT urinating
- feels like i have to pee all the time, even though pee does not always come out
- sometimes i see blood drops in the urine and the urineanalysis showed some red blood cells, but no infection
- levaquin relieves some of the symptoms, but the symptoms return
- sometimes have discharge
- symptoms started 2 months ago
- surgery for emergency colectomy was done 1.5 years ago. since then, i don't pee straight - more outward
does this sound like:
- interstitial cystitis
- kidney stone
- some type of infection
- pelvic floor disorder
- RV fistula from remaining 1" rectum?
not sure what to think or where to go?? (uro, gyno, colorectal??). anyone experience something similar? thanks!