Thanks everyone for all your support, sometimes this is the only place I feel like I get it in the right way....more understanding and not just "its all in your head". My flu I think is on its way out for sure.....thankd God. I am actually oing to go to a friends wedding reception this Friday (they were married in Vegas earlier this yr). It will be my first real outting. I checking in with my work yesterday and they want me to take my full 12 weeks. Taking care of cancer pt's itis not fair for be to be consumed with my own issues, they need me for my support and right now the stage I am in I am not there yet. So I think this would be the end of December if my surgeon permits so I will find out tomorrow.
I am not sure if I ever told you all I have a rectocele, they said its small and should not cuase any issues, but what I have noticed is I almost have to manually digitally stimulate the area for the poo to come out at times. Is this what a rectolcele is like??? I never thought of it. Also, my anastamosis was dormant for 6 mo while I had my ileo and do you think it could be narrowed???? I go with MOM, but I would rather not take anything and if I eat anything solid I feel sick. I still have no appetite. Its 130 pm and I have not eaten yet. I feel ok on soft foods, but even with those I have to use a tiny bit of MOM. Remember before I was using a whole bottle with no relief. I am ok with this, if this will keep working, but I am afraid that my body will become more dependent on it and not function on its own. I still get urges to go and when I try its like just gas and nothing else.
Jen, So good to hear from are feeling just as you should where you are but if you can get three cans of ensure down then that would help your strength. You are 5'6 and 100 lbs is getting a little scary for be that your so malnourished. The appetite will come back, but it takes time. when I got so low after mine they were going to put me on at home tpn and lipids and maybe that is something you may need if this continues. Sorry nurse in me talking again.
Hodaya- Thanks for your kind words. I try and be as helpful on here as I can, but lately I feel I am not giving enough support and just neeeding it. Your so sweet and I love you.
Tracy- I am worried about you and still think you cannot wait to have the surgery you need. I know it fits better into your plan, but honey you are getting sicker and sicker just like I was and I was in the worst shape ever for my ileo. I am praying for you.....I hope maybe you will think about moving it up.
Amey- Thanks for moving up my post and for being a constant support. Its so nice to have you back. I cannot believe you ran 3 miles!!! I have no energy at all. I want to get back into it, but I just feel so tired and weak and I am sure that is the depression. You have always been a constant wealth of knowledge and I am so happy things are going the way they are for you.
Jenise and Rosemary- Thank you both too for you constant support. Jenise I know your going through your own issues and for you to make a comment to me means the world. You all are like a family. Rosemary I hope your intuition is correct.....I need that positivity right now. I know it takes time for the new plumbing and your words of encouragement help more than you will ever know. I think you started taking your celexa? How is that going????
Love you all....