Hi all....
Trying to catch up on everyone...Marisa, glad your back and feeling better from the flu, but sorry your having issues still. Its so frustrating. I am praying for you anf thinking of you.
Hodaya- I am still concerned about you lil one and being so sad. I am too and I know its hard, but maybe talking with someone or trying a medication temp may help you. I feel the resistance from friends. Even my best friend. I talked with her for an hour this morning and it seems she just does not know who I am and said I can fake being happy, but she thought getting rid of the bag would help and she thinks I am worse.
So Jenise- You ask about me....I have not been saying because I had hit rock bottom. I was so depressed and scared of the fact that I was taking laxatives again that I started drinking to numb my pain. Not a lot, but dangerous mixed with my meds. I just did not want to feel anymore. I had two weeks where I just did not care. I am ok....seeing a counselor, off some of my meds except antidepressant because of the way it was making me feel. I am still not sleeping at night.....just during the day :( I am going to be seeing my counselor weekly, not drink till i am off the antidepressant which i do not think i will need for long. I feel so much clearer not on medications. I started my herbal supplement to stop smoking today....I am done, and just want to put this all behind me, find me through counseling, and not think about pooping all of the time.
I know some of you may judge me for what I am going to say, but I did a little research and experimentation this weekend. I am not a weed smoker, but I had heard it helps with constipation. I did the research and found that the THC attaches to the nerves of the gut and causes relaxation of the muscles. I smoked a little in the am yesterday and had to run to thee bathroom and was able to go three times without laxatives. There is a pill called Marinol that has the same by-products as the smokable weed and I wonder if this would help with relaxation. Its actually used for nausea for cancer pts. I like Tracy, have herad of the topical nitroglycerin. So.....anyways. I am not going to become a pot head, but would like to try the pill form if prescribed.
Tracy- I think of you often and hate that you are still having do many outlet problems. You sound like i did before my emergent ileostomy. I could not even pass gas or any type of liquid. The ileo and reversal are still much better than where I was. I am trying to think positive. I will go through therapy as suggested and just pray it works and I can get off the laxatives if possible. I am having food aversions....scared of obstruction and like so many people on here they just treat you like you have an eating disorder.
To everyone else Judy, rosemary, Christy, Schmuel, Stacey, and the many I am forgetting I am thinking of all of you and praying for you.
PS. Jen talked to me a bit over email yesterday. She is very depressed and feels terrible. I told her that maybe jumping back on here some of us could share our complication stories or reassure her that everything was going to be ok. She has no way though of getting on a computer. I asked her maybe if a friend could let her use a laptop and her husband has been so busy he has not had chances to post. She thinks they have messed up her Wellbutrin and feels the depression has taken over. I gave her some reassurance as I have been through some very similar things. She was thankful....I will let you know anything else. If you email her on her FB that is how we have been communicating.