Hope you all had a wonderful new year!
I honestly tried to go out with my husband because I have not been able to do anything with him in so long. BIG mistake. I had thrwon up at work and was in so much pai, but I put on my 80's gear for him and ventured out for a little bit. We were home right after the ball drop, but I feel horrible still. I emailed my surgeon last night about going inpt/pr to ER to get some hydration and pain meds. I just felt I needed to do something for him for once, since all he does is everything for me. I slept from 1 am till 1230 pm!!!! by body is telling me something and now that I am up I just feel listless. Ugghhh I am thinking I just may have to go to the ER to get refueled. Oh my labs after taking 40 of potassium the night before were ok yesterdat thankfully. I still think even though they were ok that I am still dehydrated. My potassium after 20 was 3.5 and that is the low end of normal....but normal. I do have a string bidy, question is....how long will this hold up???
Rpsemary- I cannot expres how wonderful you are....your words of advice and encouragement. Depending on what happens early next week I am definately considering Lahey or Dr. Wexner to review my cases. I am just waiting to here from CC and have this gastrograffin enema. I still for the life of me cannot believe he could look at me and the shape I was in and let me go home. Your case is so interesing and you are so knowledgable...your cruise sounds amazing and I wish I was well enough to come with you!!!
Jenise....I am still praying everday for your continued healing and now for your daugher as MRSA is a nast bug. I have been exposed to it so many times being a nurse and thankfully have not gotten it.....I hope your perinueum continues to improve. You are doing so well and I am so happy for you....really the cases like you make me cry. Not because I am jealous, but becuase i am so happy you have you have your lives back.
Hodaya and Tracy- I love you both so much and Tracy its ok to vent. I feel the way you do so many times especially after being sent from doctort to doctor to doctor just to have them tell me do this in a week or do that, but surgery is in your future. I hope they an figure something out with you. Hodaya I think you are doing not as well as all of us hoped and although your still doing ok you can barealy eat either and that is not fair. You deserve mor ethan that. Tracy, I hope biofeedback works for you...good to exhaust all options. You really have a 50/50 shot, but it has never been successdful for me.....but my anismus is severe. So he said temp ostomy for you??? I can understand that, but what if it somes back like mine. Did he go over chanves at all with you??? I was just curisou...not saying it would happen.
Judy- Praying this stent keeps working for you and the spasms ease.....I care so much about you and love you dearly. I cannot imagine what you go through all the time, but I hope you continue to do well. You make my issues seems so small after all you have gone through. Thinking of you always honney!!!!
Marisa- Hope you are doing ok sweetie...I did post my pictures of my belly on here (jenise did...i am too computer illiterate) so I hope you were able to see them. I hope you xontinue to do well....think of you so often...all of you. You are such an amazin g woman!!! I pray that everything is going well with you!!!
Happy New Year to all.....love you so much.