Lizzie, I am so happy for you that your insurance company has at least agreed upon your going out of network and Cleveland Clinic. I hope that you finally will get the care and understanding that you need. How many hours are you away from Cleveland Clinic? Maybe they will medivac you, if necessary.
I had my upper gi small bowel follow-thru today. I had to be at the hospital at 8:30 this morning. The radiologist wanted to put a tube down my nose, but I started crying. I had to have a nasogastric tube last summer and it was horrible. Anyhow, he ended up letting me drink the barium, instead of it going thru a tube and having an i.v. Luckily, my husband went with me. We had pictures taken every half hour and didn't leave the hospital until 1:30 this afternoon. Tonite, I feel worn out.
answers4meTDR, I have my colon out too, like Hodaya. I had a total colectomy, but it stopped working. First, I tried prune juice, then miralax, and finally milk of magnesia. Nothing worked and that is how I got in the predicament that I'm in now. I had to have an ileostomy, but it didn't start working, I had emergency surgery, and now have a tube from my small intestine leading to a leg bag velcroed to me. I am in the process of having tests done every 2 weeks to see if my small intestine has healed enough to have surgery again in June.
Rosemary, I love cruising. I hope that you're having the time of your life and enjoying everything. My husband and I went to Cozmel in October. I could hardly walk (recovering from surgery), but I loved being able to soak up the sun after being in the hospital for 52 days! Florida is supposed to be a whopping 69 degrees tomorrow. I hope that your weather is a bit warmer and sunny. Also, I really hope that you're able to eat all of the delicious food. I had just gotten off my feeding tube and wasn't eating much yet, but I still tried nibbles.
Hodaya, I hope that miralax will work for you. I feel badly for you, because I feel what you're going through. My colectomy worked for almost 2 years, but you haven't even had the blessing of your colectomy working on its own. I can remember your posts pre-surgery, and it seems like you're still having problems finding relief. I hope that you don't have to have an ileostomy, but if so, they're not so bad. At first, I was devastated and thought it was the worst thing in the world, but now it's all I want. I want to be healthy again and therefore, an ileostomy is everything that I want. Dr. Wexner at Cleveland Clinic in Florida has said that my surgery is going to be very difficult. I cry alot and am terrified, but there's nothing I can do. I have to put my trust in my doctor and pray for the best.
Love you all very much,