So... I got out my edgepark catalog last week and sent away for every free sample I could find. I am now ovewhelmed. I have called my home health nurse in a panic. Bless her heart, she is coming tomorow morning to go over everything with me. Meanwhile...
My questions are thus:
I have medicare only.
Is there a provider that accepts the medicare amount as payment in full for ostomy supplies?
Edgepark does not.
Edgepark says that medicare will cover 80%, and I will be responsible for the remaining 20% with NO DISCOUNT on pricing.
Are there other Edgepark equivalents that people use?
Is it better to order directly from a company that DOES accept medicare as payment in full? Does anyone know what companies do?
So overwhelming. I know it will get better, but right now I feel like I'm learning a foreign language in fast forward.
I am poor. I need as much "coverage" as I can get, and if that means going with slightly less desirable pouches for a while, so be it... I just need them from somewhere that isn't going to cost an arm and a leg, like edgepark.
Any advice and/or experience on this issue will be most welcome!
Thanks in advance... you guys have been awesome so far. I thought I was spoiled over at my crohnie board, but you guys rock too!