Hi Everyone,
Wow; I know it's been awhile since I've been on but there's so many new people that I feel like it's a whole new place. I tried reading up on some of your posts but I haven't felt well so I didn't read back too far. I would like to welcome all of the newbies and give you a short intro of myself.
I had a subtotal in 7/08 and have about 2 inches of colon left. My surgery was open, was in the hosp. for 5 days, had NG tube for a little over a day, had an epidural for pain control, started with 20+ bms a day then had 8-10 by the time I went back to work full-time 6 weeks later. I am a textbook success case as I have had NO complications but I still to this day adamently follow the low residue diet. I see my GI dr every 6 mos and they still have me remain on this diet. I strongly believe it is a big part of my surgery's success, that and the fact that I followed all the 'rules' post op for the first time ever. (didn't clean, lift things, etc. but I had to get back to work by 6 weeks so I had to let my body heal).
If anyone wants to ask any questions, this is the best place to get answers from. Everyone on here has an infinite amount of knowledge regarding the colon and anything to do with it and there is no question that can't be asked. So many people on here have helped other and led them to get the necessary help they needed. Know that everyone on here is always here for you and is always praying for you to become healthy.
Now; where is everyone??? Hodaya, Janie, Jenise, Jen- hope you are doing ok and just very busy.
Marisa- so sorry to hear that your gall bladder surgery didn't go too well. When I had mine it wasn't a piece of cake either, but I've never recovered well from any surgery except the colectomy. I had incision infections, 2 gall bladder attacks afterwards as well as very slow healing, it took like 3 weeks to finally start feeling better. I hope things are better for you soon. Praying for you girl!
Lizzie-My dear, dear girl; my heart goes out to you. I pray for you everyday more than once and I will continue to do so. I am so worried about you but I have such a strong faith that I believe you will get through this; you are such a fighter and you will persevere and conquer! I put your number in my phone so I'll be texting you soon. Love you girl!
Tracy-I hope your dr figures out what he is going to do soon, summer is almost here and I don't think you should go through another one without having something done. Always in my prayers.
Leslie-Thanks for becoming the new person on here of strength and for helping so many!!!!:)
Rosemary-So glad you are back and to see you giving your motherly advice. Don't be drinking too much juice and such, let it get through your system before you overload it. I can't drink any kinds of fruit drinks or anything like that or I get severe D. That's why I stay so strickly on the low residue diet. I was on a Vegas trip and had one small margarita that put me in severe D so can't even have a small drink either :(
Just a quick update, I had another kidney surgery on Thursday. My dr almost didn't do it because I was sick with a sinus infection and respitory infection, but the NP had me use my inhaler before the anesthes. saw me due to my wheezing and he let me go ahead with the surgery. My dr lasered my sliced, lasered, and ballooned my ureter then put in a huge stent for the next 6 weeks. He told my husband that I was going to 'hate him' but he did what he had to do and hopefully this will work and I won't have to have part of my kidney removed this summer.
The stent is extremely uncomfortable and I have no clue how I'm going to get through the next 5 weeks of work with it in. Any movement causes it to go into severe spasms. I texted my dr and he's going to call me back later when he has time to talk so we can figure out a plan for the next 5 weeks; most likely I'll just have to suck it up and just go to work but hopefully he'll have something up his sleeve to help.
Always know that even if I'm not on here, you are all in my thoughts and prayers and you continnue to be a big part of my 'family.'
Love and hugs to all,