Andrew318 I went to a general surgeon that I found myself and told him what had been going on. Could no longer go poo with out doing a enema every other day to get the air out, then the poo would pass. Then it got to the point where those did not work, so went to OSHU in Portland Oregon months before and they told me I had a outlet prob. and pelvic floor disorder and would need bio-feed back to fix the outlet problem and then I would be fine.
So I researched it and I knew it would not work for me and insurance usually wont cover it and they wanted me to do it 2x a week for 6 moths at 200.00 a visit. Bio-feedback has a very poor result, so I knew it would not work for me.
So I had herd about the Sitz Marker test and that was one that they had done on me in Portland and none of the markers had moved....and they wanted me to do bio-feed back..NOT...that told me my colon was not working.
So found my own general surgeon told him everything I had gone through over the years and have lost 108 lbs. I could no longer eat, and had not pooed in 25 days, so he did another sitz marker test, I went back and he said your right your colon is not working all the markers were in the beginning of the colon and had not moved. This was on a Monday and he scheduled me for surgery that Friday...
So just ask your doc, it never hurts if you don't get the answers you like find another doc...but dont give up. Be your own advocate for your health.
Prayers for you