Sarah, this latest development and false diagnosis break my heart. Is there any way that you could return to Italy to see the specialist there again? Or does the good neuro-urologist know of anyone who you could go to that would allow the surgery to be done? The Munchausen suspicion is obviously ridiculous- you have a permanent one makes that kind of thing up! I do hope you are able to have some bladder biopsies done quickly. If those show something, surely they would have to do something to treat it or alleviate your pain. They can't ignore histological findings, and I hope they don't try to.
Everyone please pray tons for Lizzie! She is having her seventh surgery on Wednesday, November 17th in Cleveland. During this surgery, Dr. Stocchi will move her stoma to the left side where there are no scars that will interfere with the appliance sticking properly. This is necessary so she won't have any more leaks. A plastic surgeon will also work on the scars on her right side and her midline incision, and he will most likely have to remove quite a bit of scar tissue that has formed internally. This is going to be a very big surgery with a long recovery. Pray for a perfect recovery that is free from infection or complication. Her immune system is shot right now...she has felt like she has the flu on and off for two weeks, and she has had a stomach bug the last three days as well. She says hello and sends her love to you all...her phone took a dip in the washing machine a few weeks ago and the repair guys are still working on it, so if you have been texting or calling her and she hasn't been responding, that's why.
I saw my surgeon on Wednesday and my GI on Thursday. Both appointments went well (I love those men!), and they could both see that I am not doing well. I am tolerating fewer and fewer foods and smaller amounts. My mom came with me to my surgeon's, and I am glad that she did. She needed to hear the word "ileostomy" come out of his mouth because she gets very defensive and agitated when I bring it up, but if my surgeon says it, she's more ok with it. My surgeon ordered a defecography and he also wants me to see a general surgeon he knows who is creative with laxative combinations. I am not happy about that step (laxatives make me so sick), but I will do it to cross it off the list. My surgeon said that with my whole system being slow and with my rectal issues, an ileostomy may be the best way to give me some relief. He mentioned a J-pouch, but I told him and my mom that I am not interested in trying any internal pouches because the motility of my small bowel is such a mess. My GI doc ordered a Sitz study to see if that will provide any additional information as to where things are getting hung up, and he vehemently agreed that I am not a candidate for any internal pouch. My dad goofed up with insurance...long story, but the bottom line is that I don't have health insurance at the moment, and I can't have these tests done until the mix-up is straightened out. Not the best timing! I'm 24 and still on my parents' insurance; I'm doing post-baccalaureate school work, but because of my health, I can't take the number of credits required to keep coverage, and I'm not well enough to work a full time job that would provide benefits. Hopefully this can be figured out soon because I need these tests and surgery ASAP.
Much love and many prayers to you all! Just a little something to think about...if you have found someone on here that you really "click" with, try to meet in person someday! You will be amazed at, and blessed by, the instant connection and life-long bond :)
Happy weekend!