Oh wow....some story there! They took my rectum and colon out in surgery. It was my rectum that was the culprit. My colon was never bad, only a bit of diverticulosis, so I was a bit upset over the fact that with UC they cannot leave the colon in. I still have problems in the anus though. I am still oozing mucus but the surgeon said "better out than in."
My surgeon told me my operation would require at least a 7 day stint in hospital. His head resident wanted to wisk me out of there 4 days post op and told me I could eat, against MY better judgment. Needless to say, I got sick as a dog, vomiting my guts out. Surgeon came in and suggested the ng tube down the gut. It wasn't too pleasant going down but boy did it ever help with the nausea and brought up tons of bile. He was mad as a hornet at his resident too. He told me not to listen to ANYBODY but my own body as to when to eat. I was doing great for a few more days and then same thing happened to me as did you. Blood pressure dropped to 70/40, temp of 105 and pulse of 152. Good thing I was still in the hospital. This happened at 11 pm on vital sign rounds. Didn't feel sick at all, just wanted to sleep. Never saw nurses and doctors whirl around so fast...CT scan, blood cultures, xrays...holy crap. Never did find out what the problem was but they put me on Cipro IV and watched me like a hawk for the next few days. I believe the body rejects the surgical procedure and needs to adjust itself. I was in hospital 11 days. The day I came home, I felt like I had to pass urine and all this horrible smelling gunk came out of me. I have been draining ever since. Could be they took the JP tube out too fast after surgery? It was in at least a week. Oh well.
Do you still have any problems?