I had my temporary ileostomy reversal surgery on 4/13/11 and was discharged from the hospital on 4/15/11 on a full liquid diet with instructions to advance my diet as tolerated. I had 3 to 4 bowel movements in the hospital; however, I never felt like I emptied completely. Now that I am home, I have been eating small frequent meals of soft foods, walking and drinking lots of water. I am concerned because my abdomen is still pretty bloated and fairly firm. When I go to the bathroom, I feel like I need to strain a little and am only able to have a very, very small bowel movement about
3 times per day. I don't have any nausea. I don't feel like I ever empty (or even come close). Is this normal? Should I go back to clear liquids? I am scheduled to see my surgeon for follow up on 4/25/11, but maybe I should try to go sooner? I am not just not sure what should be considered normal....Any input would be greatly appreciated!ba
2/24/11 - Total colectomy with temporary ileostomy on emergent basis secondary to malrotation of sigmoid colon with resultant necrosis.