Wonderturd....love that name..LOL ! You will be fine! I had my total colectomy with end ileo June 28th of last year. My surgeon didn't require me to do a prep either and I couldn't believe my ears! All I had to do was stay on a clear liquid diet for 24 hrs before my operation. Just for good measure though I adhered to the liquid diet for 48 hrs.
A word to the wise. Don't try to eat too soon. My surgeon told me to listen to my body. My operation was on a Monday before the 4th of July. One of his residents, who apparently had duty the 4th of July and wanted to clear her patient load out for the weekend, told me I could eat that Thursday. I ate alright and that evening everything came up and they had to put that nasty ng tube down into my tummy again . My surgeon was livid that his resident even suggested I eat when I wasn't ready. I can still remember the taste of my lemon cake coming out....hehehe. I may never eat lemon cake again . I had a few blips but I had a terrific surgeon and I never once regretted having the operation. Wouldn't you know though that the day before my operation I finally had a normal looking bowel movement, no blood, no mucus, no urgency, for the first time in almost two years. I just waved it goodbye and said..."you ain't gonna try to fool me out of having this operation!"
The best of luck to you, stay positive and I will be saying prayers of healing for you. God bless!