Hello I ,Serenitee, and I just wanted to introduce myself. I saw the posts where members were concerned for you and your husband. So I read your post and it touched my heart. I am so glad he is on the road to recovery and I hope you can finally get a diagnosis. I was wondering if he has a temporary ileostomy or permanent, if you don't mind me asking?
I have suffered from bowel disease for 44 years, living in a bathroom stuck on a toilet from toddler to adulthood took a toll on me emptionally, mentally & physically. My intestines finally shut down & quit functioning a couple months ago moving nothing thru. I had to have a Loop ileostomy (temp) and am supposed to have surgery in September to make it permanent (removing at least large intestines & rectum). I couldn't be happier with my ileostomy, and it has definitely made it easier to take care of my 7-kids and 3 grand kids.
I wish your husband and you all the best, sending prayers your way & smiles. If you have any info or suggestions or advice for me I would greatly appreciate it. My email address is listed under the members profile.
Thank you for letting me ramble on.
Your Healingwell Friend,
Loop ileostomy in May, Currently have Pelvic/Bladder Trauma & dysfunction, colon tore thru vaginal wall and colon and bladder fell out of body, 2x bladder lifts w/mesh, 2x rectoceles, 2x enteroceles...just a few of my issues.