I just wanted to let you all know that everything is going so much better than expected! First, I ended up having a private bedroom and bathroom, which has been a wonderful blessing.
Then, the two other ladies who are sharing a room, got up really early, made coffee, and went for a walk. One of them is training for a 3-day, 60 mile walk for breast cancer, so she wanted to get 5 miles in before breakfast.
So, I was able to leisurely get up and have some coffee and yogurt by myself and not worry about
my ileo being noisy. By the time they got back, I was already showered and ready to hang out and chat.
So, the three of us are chatting, and would you believe that one of them starting talking about
a surgery that she had?!? Then the other one did, too, so I joined in a told them about
my surgery. It was perfect!! They were so cool about
it and handled it great.
I can't believe I allowed myself to worry. What's funny is the topic this morning was to trust God instead of worrying! Boy, did I need to hear that!
Thanks again for your advice! You guys are the BEST! Well, I'm off to go swim in the ocean and then meet up with some ladies for water aerobics at 3pm!