in the next few weeks I will be scheduling my second surgery. I am hoping to do it by the end of december. I have a few questions that I can't seem to get answered or find easily enough on google. Thanks for any help.
1) Apparently during the second surgery, you will not have the same ostomy as you did during the first? I've read that the ostomy I have now is an "end ostomy" and after my second surgery, it will now be a "loop ostomy'...what difference will that entail? what difference should I expext?
2) Realistically, If i got the second surgery in the of december, assuming everything goes well and there are not complications, how long can I expect to wait before the last final surgery? What is the earliest amount of time that I can have the "take down" after surgery number 2? Is february early march too soon?
3) after the second surgery, will I be going to the bathroom from both ends? from my anus and from the "end ostomy"?
I greatly appreciate all the help.