Last night I did a change a few hours before I went to bed. The skin around my stoma looked good, except for one little tiny red spot at the 12 o'clock point. No big deal, I thought. I have not had any problems with leaking or skin irritation or anything so far- in fact, even after 4 days and a shower or two, I sometimes have trouble getting the flange unstuck from my skin. Anyway, I was just falling asleep when I felt this burning or stinging right around my stoma, like under where the Eakin Seal is. I reeaally didn't want to take everything off after having just put it on, but after a little while of the feeling coming and going (it was not constant), I figured better safe than sorry and I'd better have a look at what was going. So, off everything came, aaanndd... best I could figure, a teensy tiny bit of outpout had worked it's way under the flange and the Eakin Seal and was there on the edge of my stoma and my skin, on the bottom, 6 o'clock point. There were also a couple of red dots like that on the top, now on the bottom, but a couple of inches from the purported leak. Everything else looked absolutely fine. Got myself all set up and went back to bed. Now, today, I have had that same burning/stinging feeling a couple of times, and it hurt! It's gone now and I don't know what the deal is. I have a feeling it's not a leak, but my skin just being irritated where the red spots are. I have this powder stuff the ostomy nurse gave me, but she didn't explain how to use it... best I can figure out, I need Skin Prep in order to use it, or else the flange won't be able to stick on top of just the powder, right? I have Skin Prep coming in the mail in a couple of days.
Any advice on what might be going on? Do you think it's just skin irritation, or could there be some sort of leaking going on? Oh, by the way, I think last night I cut the flange a bit too big, which I thought explained how some output snuck out of there... I definitely made sure to make it smaller the second time, so nothing should be able to squeeze out of there, lol. I use Hollister two-piece, and, as I said, Eakin Seals.