Hi, My names Odele, I was suppose to have a loop ileostoma 17th July, then a reversal in 3 months.
But they went and did a end ileostoma without consent and now refuse to reverse it, lack of time in the threatre!
In between this I started out well at the beginning on fluid, soft foods. Sent home on my 4th day, 2 days later I had a blockage, my stomach on my right side looked like a volcano and the pain, so off I went to Emergency Dept, hours later a young female doc came, stuck finger down my stoma said it felt soft and I didn't have a blockage and to go home. So off I went, stoma had't worked for 7 hours by then and during the night I vomit and I was shaking in pain when my stoma nurse came the next day and she rang the hospital and I was readmitted and saw the registrar who eventently did the abdominal cut and stoma. Not my surgeon!!. She put a foley catheter down put the bag over and admitted me over night. Next morning the bag was full of dark green waste, this process going back to the hospitals with blockags and having catheters went on for 1 month. And I kept telling them I felt like I am being strangled I couldn't even get water out by this time. They did a ct and XRAY all CLEAR, until one night they redid the xray when my stomach was so high and I was nearly screaming in pain and the results showed the abdominal hole for the small intestine was cut too small and the small intestine had been nearly - cut off. 4 weeks they wouldnt listen to me. said it was in my head.
second op went well until an hour after my opertion when they tilted my bed right over and back and I bounced up off the mattress and blood poured into my stoma bag and I felt all my inner stitiches been torn apart, plus the stitches around the out side of the stoma itself torn. They told me not to worry about it and get on with it. well from the lst day i've had massive cramp at the last part of the small intestine to my stoma about 5cm, doesn't work properly and I pretty sure its to do with the intestine being nearly cut off and it having to a bulbous under the abdominal muscels, and contracting back on itself for a month plus the accident.
Well they wont listen to me, my stoma doesnt work properly and the pain, I can't harldy walk, even though I take pain relief of oxynorm and panadol this doesn't help me. I can't wait till the nigth comes just to take a sleeping tablet. I have tried different docs in NZ but they think its in my head as they ring my old surgeon. The pain and being on fluids and soft food still doesnt help.
I out of options and don't know what else to do - any ideas anyone!!!