After 7 years of UC and currently on weekly shots of Humira and also Imuran, I will have surgery in Nov. to remove the colon, rectum, close the anus and have an end ileostomy. I am almost 61 years old and other than the UC and the fatigue I generally feel, I am in good health. Also, have had no prior abdominal surgeries but have had 2 C-Sections so I hear that's a big plus going in. The surgery will be done laporscopically and robotically....a procedure that my surgeon is rated 7th in the state for and has done hundreds of them. For the past 3 months I have been reading the Ostomy posts on this site and gotten some very helpful information, but as you can imagine, I still feel like I am stepping off into the unknown and am feeling anxious and scared. It seems like there are lots success stories here, but also many who end up with on going complications so I have just a few questions (more later I'm sure) at this time for those who might find the time to help me out.
First - I am not a slim person and have a "pouchy" stomache. Will it be hard to place the stoma so that I get good placement of the bag and good adhesion ? I do have an appointment 2 days prior to surgery with a WOC nurse for placement and education but thought you all would have some good advice.
Second - Since I will be getting the Barbie Butt with the surgery, what can I expect ?
Third - Please oh please, what truely are the best ostomy products out there ? Should I be sending away for free samples now (before the surgery) ?
Fourth - What really is your best advice to post surgical recovery and living the rest of your
life with an ostomy ?
Thank You in advance. Everyone on this board is so brave. I hope I can be too.