Ok, sensitive topic and I'm not a man of course but have yet another question. I tried looking through some of the older posts but I didn't see anything on this topic.
Hubby had a catheter in for about 9 days when he was in the hospital for his j-pouch surgery. We hope to start a family after he heals up, so this area of his body is of great concern to me. :) So, being that the surgery happened around his pelvic area and the effects of having a catheter, I realize there will be some trauma to the penis but I'm just wondering to what extent some of you have experienced? Sorry if this is a sensitive topic...
I know he is still able to get an errection because when we were cleaning it in the hospital it happened. However, the poor thing has retreated and is quite small now? Did this happen to any of you guys? Will it come back? He also said he was having trouble knowing when he needed to pee... that seems to be getting better with time but he is able to pee on his own and so forth. But, I was just concerned that it actually shrank and seems to be rebelling.
Should I just not be concerned about this and think nothing of it and just wait till he heals? Or should we be concerned?