summerstorm has explained quite well what post op is like for most of us. I also had UC and after 6 years, I chose the protocolectomy with end ileostomy and anal closure. Good care, great surgeon, and wonderful drugs took care of alot of the pain and fear of this life changing surgery for me. I was advised ahead of time that the anal wound would be the hardest to heal, and it was, but by the 2nd month, I was pain free there too. By the way, my surgery was laparoscopic but they removed everything through the anus. Not the usual way its done but far less invasive with a faster healing time. Thankfully, I was on a seasonal layoff from my job so I had no worries about
going back to work but I felt quite well by 6 weeks although it took me a couple more months to really get my strength back.
At first I was all thumbs with the bag changes, but by the 2nd week, I was emptying and changing like a pro. On the advice of others on this board, I was super careful about what I ate for the first couple of months, but now at 6 months post op I can eat pretty much anything I want but just to be on the safe side, I usually try to eat small meals and never gorge myself.
There's really no telling exactly how things will go surgically and with recovery, but for what it's worth, my story is a good one. I may have a blockage or two in my future and goodness knows what else may occur over the years, but for now, I have not one single complaint.
I wish you well and please know we are here to support you. This situation can be really, really scary, but there are good outcomes for many of us.