jack2011 said...
I am confused on how an end ileo would be easier to manage. My surgeon said my stoma will be the same and that he will be stapling off the rest of my intestine. He is taking out the remaining 6 inches or so of my sigmoid colon as well.
End ileos usually protrude better (are less likely to be flush with the skin) because they're under less tension -- they're only attached to intestine in one direction, as opposed to loops which are pulled from both ends. For most people this means less need to use convex wafers and less issues with leaks and skin irritation.
The other big difference, IMHO (and I'm not an authority, I only had the end and loop for about
3 months each), is that loop ileo ouput is usually thinner and more watery than end ileo output since they are usually further up in the small intestine. I had way more trouble with dehydration with my loop ileo than with my end ileo. Likewise, I had no trouble gaining weight with the end ileo (15 lb in 3 months!) but I had to eat like crazy just to maintain my weight with the loop ileo.
Finally, because loops are under more tension, they are somewhat more prone to blockage than end ileostomies.