Mebythesea, I cannot understand why he can't go through the back either. He said he COULD go in through the back, but doesn't know what he would be up against and, probably, would have to go through the same incision as my original operation. UGH. I just don't want ANYONE tampering with my stoma. It has always worked like a charm. Like you, I also have only about
two inches
open there. On my original surgeon's operative report, he stated he removed the rectum, but, according to this guy, there is a bit of rectum left and that was my problem to begin with!!!! To add insult to injury, the surgeon phoned me yesterday and told me I had purulent discharge in the vagina and he wants me to have a thorough gyn workup. Maybe even a DNC. He cannot believe all these problems are stemming from the inflammation inside the anus.