I have a colostmy. This is the third time this has happened to me and I am puzzled!
I was out to lunch this afternoon with dear friends. Suddenly, I knew I needed to rush to the restroom. I went to check my "bag", and I found that everything in the bagwas running out of the side of my bag where it attached to my wafer. (there was not a whole bunch, praises and thanks!) My wafer felt very greasy/oily. In checking, my wafer seemed to be melting! ARGGGGH! The "stomahesive" was seemingly gone! I had just put this new wafer and bag on this morning!
Luckily I keep what I call "My Kit" in my purse with a complete change (wafer, colostomy bag, stomahesive, scissors, tape, panties, and two plastic baggies and a wash cloth in an additional baggie). So I was able to clean myself up and change. Of course, I had to wash that portion of my skirt. I have taken to wearing black skirts or pants out now, as that best covers up accidents and wetness.
Has this ever happened to anyone else out there, or am I lucky on my own?
What would cause this Is there something I can do to keep it from happening again?
Any answer, or even just some sympathy will be met with thanks
God Bless,