Hi Gillian,
I generally post on the Crohn's forum, but I was hopeful for some info I don't have. I have an ostomy. I have just heard of the j-pouch. Is this the one that is connect down below where everything can still appear normal? I have a young lady who is facing a colostomy, and is terribly frightened, especially because she will have the stoma up front, and a bag hanging in front and it all seems so awful to her. (I am actually proud of mine! I was bed bound for two years before the doctors found out what was wrong and fixed me! So now I have freedom.) Ny little friend has a very young daughter, and her husband is away at work (in China) and she is so afraid that if she has this surgery, it will be unfair to her husband and her daughter. I felt, if the j-pouch is what I think it is, that she would still appear normal to others and maybe that would be better for her. Is the j-pouch reversable? If her intestines heal up enough, could she be "put back together"?
Thanks so much for your information.
God bless and stay well,