Greetings fellow "Gladbaggers"---YES I am a Gladbagger!
I had my first colostomy in 1998-then an illeostomy in 2004.
I've had Crohns Disease for 18 years now. And I tell ya--
it is one "Crappy" disease...Literally.
I have no large colon-no rectum-and lost a portion of
the smalll intestine as well--so I am a "bagger" for life.
BUT the good news is--I am alive--I am 54 years "young"
am about to become a Grandma for the first time and am
very pleased that I am no longer "chained" to the toilet.
I am 5'6" and weigh a mere 110 lbs ( been skinny all my life but the disease didn't help)>>>>>>>>>and ladies-----you dont
have to allow this to turn you into a little old lady. I wear
my hipster jeans and crop tops (Yes at my age and WITH the ostomy ).
There are a lot of different styles of "appliances" to choose from.
I wear mini bags..and have no problems.....I wish you all the best
Think POSITIVE!! **I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination***
ATTITUDE---Can make ya or break ya--God Bless!!!