I had a reversal done 21 weeks ago, after having the whole stoma thing, and bags, etc., but, in my case I was blessed it was only for six weeks. Anyway, about
a week before the due date for the operation, I had to get the barium enema xray, to make sure there were no leaks etc. It only took a few days for a result to come back, and my gastro was able to go ahead with surgery. I was in hospital for 7 nights after the op. I am only now feeling like a member of the human race again, but I suppose everyone heals at a different rate. The cosmetic issues of the scars does not bother me in the least, and never has, it was just a while before I regained most of my energy.
Anyway, good luck with the op, and you will be fine, take your time afterwards and do not push yourself too hard.
Take care, and let us know, when you are feeling well, how things went.
Best Regards,