I, too, took a long time to recover after my surgery many years ago. I can say now that most of my recovery was because I was so ILL when I went into the surgery. If you were feeling really poorly before surgery, you have that hurdle as well. It takes a long time to feel normal again, and sometimes it is hard not to be impatient because the thought that I just went thru this surgery to "fix" me and I still feel like crap is disheartening. BUT, don't be too impatient.
Remember, you are improving a little each day or you wouldn't be able to be up and about doing stuff around the house. And I would bet, you are doing a little more each day, and those muscles that haven't been used are just telling you so! Keep your caloric intake up to keep yourself fueled. Don't push yourself too much. Sometimes, taking those naps in the afternoon allows the body to rejuvenate and totally relaxes the muscles. Yeh, being soooo sore makes everything a trial, but you will be ok....
What kind of a schedule are you trying to keep? Are you listening to your body and not pushing it too much? Drink lots of fluids.
Best wishes on a better day tomorrow, and a little better each day after that.