This won't take long since i'm sooooooooo tired.
Sugery went well, at least thats what i'm told. Hernia and removal of the rectum. Still have some drain thing in me, which is annoying. Should be coming out mid week. Hospital food really was bad this time around. Didn't matter how hungry i was. Annoyed a couple of my nurses 'cause i had no desire to walk the halls while carrying around the bag of pee.. Did laps around the bed instead. Very tired. Not sure why. I didn't sleep at all while in the hospital, just can't seem to fall asleep in there. But now it's carrying over while at home. Tough sleeping. I don't remember being this tired the last time. Funny thing butt doesn't hurt at all. Nothing. The area where the drain seems to be the most painful area right now.
I'll be back yapping more later. Gonna lay down and watch the hours of Paid Programming on cable. Thanks for thinking of me.