Hi, my dad has been having anxiety and hasn't been sleeping well as his tremors have progressed. Along with his usual Car/Lev Parkinson's meds he was put on Lorazepam. The Lorazepam works wonders, even on the tremors. The dosage is .5mg twice a day as needed.
He was taking them from time to time but more now due to the effects overall and tremors and anxiety. Thing is, it is a short-term med and it appears he has been becoming codependent on them. He is 78 years old and most of his care has been through the VA, although sis and I have been looking more outside now for further assistance.
Ok, to cut to the chase, I did not like the fact that his options with the meds he gets through the VA. They don't want to up his dosage as they say he is too old for so much med in his system. I so agree that I don't want him to just continuing with increase in dosages. I would like to see him on less and some med for anxiety / depression that is more long term working. Yet the VA said for him to just take a vacation from the Lorazepam for 2 weeks. He doesn't feel he can quit cold turkey like that so we are not going that route. I went to an outside Psychiatrist with him hoping for some longer term med for anxiety / depression. I was looking for less, not more. This is what the Phsychiatrist prescribed:
Lexapro .10mg once a day
Clonazepam .5mg 3 times a day
Restoril 22.5mg at night
When I did the research this seemed to be going the opposite direction that I wanted to go. I wanted less, not more. Also didn't like the horror stories on Lexapro.
Anyway, I know you all probably cannot tell me what is right for my father and I wouldn't just go on an opinion anyway but I really would appreciate some opinions regarding what others may think and even suggestions.
Has anyone tried anxiety and / or antidepressants to help with anxiety of dealing with Parkinson's?
And yes, we also do some outside stuff like support groups, going out when he feels well. We are seriously considering chip implant / deep brain stimulation.
Thank you so much in advance. Looking forward to responses so don't be afraid to respond.
God bless you.