I remember that my first sign of tremor started as an occassional pulse in my wrist as I sat in front of the TV. Because it persisted I went to the docs and ended up being diagnosed PD. But as Lizzy pointed out there are other causes of tremor, thats why its sometimes difficult for a neuro to acurately diagnose straight away. I know of three people who had tremor worse than me and yet none of them had anything worse than what is termed 'essential tremor'. None of them had PD. One of them was my mother-in-law who refused to take medication for it because she was more wary of the meds than the effects of the tremor. So dont be scared and, even if the docs do diagnose PD, its not the end of the world. I've had it for 7 years and, for most of the time, with the help of moderate levels of medication (sinemet and selegeline) can control the tremors that are on my left side.
Try not to worry because you will probably find that anxiety only increases the tremor.
Good luck and say a little prayer for works for me