Hi, my 41 year old husband was diagnosed with PD two years ago. He was given Mirapex, and we took him off it this year when we discovered some very bad things that were going on. My husband was not gambling like you may have heard about
the med on television, but his behavior was obsessive compulsive and he was spending money like it was water, and lying about
it. It caused some major problems. His mood had been crazy since the meds too, but since he's been off, I don't see much change in that. He is not a very happy person, and he used to be the kind of guy you could run over with a car, and he would apologize for being in your way. Now the littlest thing sets him off on a verbal rampage that is quite upsetting. Some have told me the mood swings are common with PD, and some tell me it has nothing to do with it. Some blamed it on the meds, but he has been off Mirapex since January. Anyone else having the same problems, or have experiences with PD mood swings? Have any of you had problems with Mirapex?