Girlish, One of your initial questions was regarding agonists and dyskinesia. I'm not sure you received an answer.
Many newbies start on a dopamine agonist. This includes Requip and Mirapex - the most commonly prescribed agonists in the US. As indicated, another medication that was recently FDA approved is Azilect AKA Rasagaline. It is not in the agonist family. There is some indication that Azilect may slow the progression of PD. It has other advantages like you only take it once a day.
Dyskinesia primarily (or soley?) is caused by Sinemet. Sinemet is the granddaddy of alll treatment alternatives ... unquestionably works the best. However, it often becomes less effective after 5 years and tends to cause dyskinesia after 5 years. Both become more pronounced over time. Everyone reacts differently to PD meds ... and Sinemet is no different. Some tolerate it well for 20 years. Some much less.
I would encourage you to educate yourself about your alternatives. You are your own best advocate. Find a good movement disorder specialist (MDS -neuro who specializes in movement disorders like PD). Work WITH your MDS. Best of luck to you.
lizzy4451 (having issues with lizzy4451 email right now)