I know that I have only recently been diagnosed and am in early stages of coming to terms with PD. But as the days go on I roller coaster from "I will LIVE with this" and feeling strong to days like today where I was feeling really awful physically. So tired....and depressed...that I'm now screaming " I DON'T WANT THIS DISEASE". Bit irrational as there's little I can do about
How do you get from roller-coasting to steady 'getting on with life'?
I want to feel like I'm bravely dealing with it. But when I feel physically awful I just get SO angry and rather self-pitying (which is really not a good thing)
I just feel so shocked I have a progressive degenerative disease.
So even though I feel like this I'd still like to Thank You all for your replies last year and to wish you a good new year.